Sunday, 27 March 2016


M A R C H  23rd 2016 came around and I was ready to GET WEIRD with Little Mix!
The curtain that was up when while we were waiting for Little Mix

I have thought to myself that I would write a review on the Get Weird Tour. I never knew you could actually write a review on a show but now I do... and I am going to do one so....

Wednesday 23rd March 2016 at the Motorpoint Arena Nottingham (formally the Capital FM Arena Nottingham), Little Mix were there to bring the magic.
It had come around so fast and I was so happy it did!
I have seen them before 2 years ago when they came to Nottingham for their Salute Tour and I'm not ashamed to say this but I did cry through the whole show for that tour. Luckily this time I didn't cry all the way through but yes, I did cry...

I have to admit I was VERY surprised at how close we were, we were right in the middle of the floor, which was awesome. BUT one tinny thing I always forget is that I'm sort of small so I did have a wee bit of trouble seeing but I'm used to it.

So I didn't take any pictures of the first support act but there name was JAGMAC. Now I did like there voices but, and I know it wasn't really there fault, they had sound malfunction so they had to do 2 acapellas. 

Nathan Sykes performing
Next was Nathan Sykes. I have to apologize for the bad quality of picture... I was close ish but I still had to use the zoom so most of the pictures may be like this.
On the bright side he was so good! He bought a women up on stage and then she got ENGAGED! They stayed up on stage and danced to 'Over and Over Again'. It was the cutest thing ever. 
However if it happened to me I think I would be so embarrassed but that's just me.

8:05pm came and Nathan went off stage and we then had to wait about half an hour for Little Mix. They were playing music videos before to help the time go quicker. Some people sang along to the music playing. THEN 'Black Magic' music video came on and the whole arena began to sing along and I thought Yeah they'll come on after this but they didn't. 
Half way through a music video the music stops but the lights don't go down like normal. On the screens they were showing us in the crowd, sadly I didn't get shown, while they played Beyonce 'Run the World (Girls)'. We all sang along waiting to see ourselves.
The song ended. 
The lights went down. 
The arena exploded with screams and music began. Out jumped Little Mix from the floor, with harnesses on so they went extra high. 
Little Mix's Get Weird Tour Setlist
There costumes were so bright and would sparkle when the lights hit them, which was all the time as lights were always on them. 

So here are two videos i uploaded to my YouTube channel: 

The first one is Change Your Life. I had planned to record all of this song as it means a lot to me and it did get me through some hard times in school.

The second one is Little Me. Again this really helped me and it made me a little more confident. 
The reason I wanted to have these videos is so when I'm sad or feeling a little down, or just had a bad I can just play these and I can remember the concert and be reminded to be... Me.

Michael Clifford
I only have one thing that I didn't like... was during Lightning and DNA they had the fake flame effect. I am also a fan of 5SOS (5 Seconds of Summer) and when Michael Clifford got injured by one, I didn't like them anymore. Also Calum Hood burnt his arm on one but it wasn't as bad.
Little Mix weren't close to it but obviously it looked like it from the crowds point of view. 

My friend, who went with me, said that it was too long. I can see where she is coming from, they sang a lot of songs and had a few breaks. I think it was the breaks that make it seem longer but they have them to change there outfits. 

There was a project that went on where you had to hold up a heart during Wings. Not a lot of people did it which was a shame. Or they could of done and I didn't notice.
I only caught 2 pieces of confetti and I was more protective over them while trying to get out of the arena than my phone or keeping up with my friend. 

So to finish off I have included my snapchat story from the concert its not the whole concert, it was really just Nathan Sykes and maybe the opening of Little Mix. Enjoy. 
Sorry if you can hear me singing, I'm a good singer I swear...

Thanks for reading! See you soon
monkeyrhiannon xx

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Twitter: @monkeyrhiannon
Instagram: @monkeyrhiannon

Don't be shy, come say hi!

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